There is nothing more important in the life of a believer than worship to God. Psalms 95:2 says that we come before him with praise and worship. God dwells in the midst of the praise and adoration of his children. Praise and worship is a lifestyle where all aspects of our lives are surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The true adoration of a believer manifests itself in obedience and reverence to God to then be able to enter into intimate and powerful moments of worship. To enter into true worship, we must understand that God demands of us obedience and commitment to him. Paul and Silas in Acts 16:16-33 were in a Roman prison because of an event in which they were faithful to God and the Roman authorities imprisoned them. Paul and Silas were bound hand and foot in the last dungeon in that cold, dark jail. For Paul and Silas, worship was not just a devotional moment, it was their way of life. These were men completely dedicated to the Lord that understood very well that in a difficult moments only worship to God could strengthen them and help them get through that time. When worship to God is our lifestyle, we understand that no matter the situation or the feelings we face, in praise and adoration to God we will find our place of refuge and restoration. We cannot allow temporary circumstances to rob us of the worship that will lead us to see permanent victories of God in our life. It is praise and worship to God what breaks bondages, removes confusions, changes destructive thoughts and makes the enemy flee. On many occasions in life we will feel like Paul and Silas, imprisoned in various situations, but if we understand that praise and adoration open the doors of all prisons, we will be able to rise from all our tribulations in the victory that Jesus already gave us from the Cross of Calvary. Paul and Silas worshipped the risen Christ in the midst of the darkness of that prison and that pure adoration caused the power of God to be manifested in that prison in such a way that even the jailer received salvation. Let us not forget that in the midst of our situations we have a cloud of witnesses who are watching how we as worshipers confront our situations. The world needs to see God's children in worship even when circumstances in life may be difficult. When we worship we are shining in the midst of darkness and it is the greatest testimony we can give to someone who does not know the power and salvation of the Lord. The circumstances of life may arise, but they cannot stop the worship of a soul that is free in Christ. That is why in the midst of any situation the way out is to raise worship to God. When we have understood who God is and the great salvation that we have obtained by grace, we adore and thank him in the midst of any circumstance. Jesus Christ is the only true God who is seated on his throne, who has defeated sin, death, Satan and gives the victory of salvation to everyone who believes in him and his redemptive work. In the midst of the worship of Paul and Silas, the glory of God was unleashed in that prison. You cannot stop your praise in the midst of your difficulties because through praise miracles will be unleashed in your life that were not on your agenda, but they are on God's agenda for your life. While you worship the living God with your obedience and your praise, in the midst of impossible circumstances you will see the God who has no limits move in your life because God abides permanently in the praise of his people. No matter what the prison you are facing is called, worship God in the midst of it and you will see how the power of the Holy Spirit will operate in you comforting you, restoring you, freeing you and raising you to the victory of Christ. It's time to obey, it's time to worship and it's time to see the glory of God.
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